Andrew came home for the holidays on a very quick trip. While gathering around the kitchen snack bar munching he said, 'Hey, wanna try one of my recipes?'...
I created and devoured this guac-bean dip in college because it's very cheap, filling, and healthy. When I am low on fiber, this is the perfect snack or...
An easy, quick and delicious recipe that you can make with items you more than likely have. This corn salsa is so versatile that it can be served as a...
AKA 'Diablo Dip,' this is creamy, spicy, gooey, crunchy, and so tasty! Great served with chips or spread on a bacon cheeseburger. I make mine with low-fat...
This dip is fast, easy and delicious! Whenever there's a potluck, I'm always asked, "Are you bringing the dip?" I can't go anywhere without it! Try experimenting...
This avocado-tomatillo salsa is great on street tacos, as a salad dressing, or as a sauce on the side with some nice grilled fish. Really, it is a versatile...
This is a great oven-roasted salsa recipe that utilizes fresh tomatoes and sweet corn. Great for that end-of-the- summer overabundance of tomatoes! My...
This Greek yogurt ranch dip is super quick and easy and low-fat or fat-free. Tailor it to your needs by choosing your favorite plain yogurt and dressing...
Addictive, cheesy nacho dip with hamburger and just the right amount of spice, that makes plenty for a crowd. Serve on nacho chips with sour cream and...
This is a wonderful, easy dip recipe that looks like a salsa. It's important that it refrigerate at least six hours, You may even let it go overnight so...
This recipe is very good and so easy to make. I always serve it when I have a party. Succulent smoked salmon is blended into a creamy, flavorful mixture...
This dip is addicting! Imagine a chocolate chip cheesecake batter that is safe to eat. Served with graham crackers, this dip will quickly become a family...
This is a different, sweet salsa that is perfect for summer and receives rave reviews! It stars sweet white corn and black beans, with red onion, red pepper,...
I hope this walnut and parsley version serves as a reminder that 'pesto' is not a recipe, but a technique. The buttery walnuts temper the fire of the mashed...
This dip, packed with sausage, salsa, and cheese, is both creamy and chunky, making it a hearty snack for one or a group. Try this dip instead of ready-made...
Love Torchy's queso? You have to give this a try! Don't worry that mine doesn't have green chile chunks like Torchy's, they're in there. I like mine blended...
This is a fun dip that is both sweet and spicy. I got the recipe by varying other cranberry salsa and dip recipes I have found. I got the idea of the fusion...
Salmon, butter, Dijon mustard, and fresh tarragon are just some of what make this traditional French fare so delicious. This no-bake version is more like...
This versatile dip adds zesty flavor to any food it's served with. Top with additional sliced almonds and diced roasted red peppers, if desired. Serve...